Planting at 45o Planting horizontally
Step 2: How to produce large quantities of cassava stems
Rapid multiplication in a nursery using 2-node cassava stakes. Plant the cuttings at a spacing of 1 m × 1 m on the crest of ridges or mounds as conventionally recommended. This will give a plant
Step 2: How to produce large quantities of cassava stems
Rapid multiplication in a nursery using 2-node cassava stakes. Plant the cuttings at a spacing of 1 m × 1 m on the crest of ridges or mounds as conventionally recommended. This will give a plant
population of 10,000 stands/ha.
Vertical or angular planting is recommended in areas of high rainfall
Horizontal planting is better in dry areas.
Rapid multiplication technique can be used to produce large quantities
of cassava stems as planting materials for subsequent seasons.
Select and use improved, healthy, and pest/disease free cassava stems.
Cut the stems into several 2-node or 3-node stakes using
secateurs, a sharp knife/machete, or a stake cutting machine.
Treat the stakes with available insecticides or fungicides by
measuring out the quantities into a container, add water and
mix thoroughly. For example, 1kg of Neem leaf powder in 5L of
water. Put the stakes into the solution for 10 minutes.
Remove from the solution and place in perforated transparent
polythene bags for pre-sprouting.
Step 3: Store in the polythene bags under the shade of a tree or under
the cassava canopy or in a farm shed for 7–10 days to sprout
Vertical or angular planting is recommended in areas of high rainfall
Horizontal planting is better in dry areas.
Rapid multiplication technique can be used to produce large quantities
of cassava stems as planting materials for subsequent seasons.
Select and use improved, healthy, and pest/disease free cassava stems.
Cut the stems into several 2-node or 3-node stakes using
secateurs, a sharp knife/machete, or a stake cutting machine.
Treat the stakes with available insecticides or fungicides by
measuring out the quantities into a container, add water and
mix thoroughly. For example, 1kg of Neem leaf powder in 5L of
water. Put the stakes into the solution for 10 minutes.
Remove from the solution and place in perforated transparent
polythene bags for pre-sprouting.
Step 3: Store in the polythene bags under the shade of a tree or under
the cassava canopy or in a farm shed for 7–10 days to sprout
Prepare the nursery for planting.
Expose the polythene bags in the field by placing them on
and mounds, or on the flat ground for 20 minutes. ridges Plant on the main farm.
Transplant only when there is enough moisture in the soil.
Avoid bruising the harvested stems
20–25 cm
Transplant the sprouted stakes into the nursery at 2–4 cm
depth at a spacing of 100 cm × 50 cm or 50 cm × 50 cm
in a well prepared rapid multiplication field. Handle the stakes
carefully to avoid breakage.
Harvest cassava stems at 6–8 months after planting. To
harvest, cut the stems at a height of 20–25 cm above the
ground level with a sharp machete.
Step 1:- Treat the stakes with insecticides or fungicides as for the
2-node cuttings treatment.
Plant the treated stakes directly on the multiplication field using
the appropriate spacing as described in the 2-node
cuttings method.
(Step 5).
Zero input
How to use zero input technologies to get good yields
m Choose a good soil with medium fertility and good drainage.
Avoid stony, clayey or water-logged soils.
Expose the polythene bags in the field by placing them on
and mounds, or on the flat ground for 20 minutes. ridges Plant on the main farm.
Transplant only when there is enough moisture in the soil.
Avoid bruising the harvested stems
20–25 cm
Transplant the sprouted stakes into the nursery at 2–4 cm
depth at a spacing of 100 cm × 50 cm or 50 cm × 50 cm
in a well prepared rapid multiplication field. Handle the stakes
carefully to avoid breakage.
Harvest cassava stems at 6–8 months after planting. To
harvest, cut the stems at a height of 20–25 cm above the
ground level with a sharp machete.
Step 1:- Treat the stakes with insecticides or fungicides as for the
2-node cuttings treatment.
Plant the treated stakes directly on the multiplication field using
the appropriate spacing as described in the 2-node
cuttings method.
(Step 5).
Zero input
How to use zero input technologies to get good yields
m Choose a good soil with medium fertility and good drainage.
Avoid stony, clayey or water-logged soils.
m select planting materials from healthy cassava plants (9-15
m Handle the stems carefully to avoid bruising or damaging the
Do not use force when tying the stems in bundles and when
loading vehicles.
m Handle the stems carefully to avoid bruising or damaging the
Do not use force when tying the stems in bundles and when
loading vehicles.
Zero input technologies to increase yield in cassava 3 production
In shallow soils csassava is planted on mounds to increase topsoil volume perplanter.
In deep soils cassava
is planted on flat land
Using force when tying the stems in bundles may cause
nodes and to improve sprouting.
months old) without stem or leaf damage from pests or
Use a farm that has been well maintained.
You can grow cassava using zero input technology. This does not
need chemicals, such as fertilizers and herbicides, or organic
compost. The zero input method encourages biological activity in the
soil and provides natural protection from diseases. It can guarantee
good yields, provided that you select a land with adequate organic
matter, use the right varieties, plant at the right spacing and time,
and ensure a weed-free farm. In this section we look at this
environmentally-friendly farming practice.
Practice minimum tillage in sandy soils to conserve organic
matter, and moisture, and to reduce soil erosion.
In shallow or hard soils, make ridges or mounds to increase
the topsoil volume per plant for a better establishment.
Choose improved varieties with the highest and most stable
yield performance in the particular farm location.
In shallow soils csassava is planted on mounds to increase topsoil volume perplanter.
In deep soils cassava
is planted on flat land
Using force when tying the stems in bundles may cause
nodes and to improve sprouting.
months old) without stem or leaf damage from pests or
Use a farm that has been well maintained.
You can grow cassava using zero input technology. This does not
need chemicals, such as fertilizers and herbicides, or organic
compost. The zero input method encourages biological activity in the
soil and provides natural protection from diseases. It can guarantee
good yields, provided that you select a land with adequate organic
matter, use the right varieties, plant at the right spacing and time,
and ensure a weed-free farm. In this section we look at this
environmentally-friendly farming practice.
Practice minimum tillage in sandy soils to conserve organic
matter, and moisture, and to reduce soil erosion.
In shallow or hard soils, make ridges or mounds to increase
the topsoil volume per plant for a better establishment.
Choose improved varieties with the highest and most stable
yield performance in the particular farm location.
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